A Guide to Safeguarding at Folly Hill Infant Academy
At Folly Hill Infant Academy we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. It is important that all staff have appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out. Staff, pupils, parents and governors should feel confident that they could raise any issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children and know that they will be listened to and taken seriously. This will be achieved by maintaining an ethos of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting staff. This is supported by clear behaviour, anti-bullying and child protection policies, careful risk assessment, appropriate induction and training, briefing and discussion of relevant issues and relevant learning through our PSHE curriculum and our Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum.
We recognise that the key elements of safeguarding children are health, safety and ensuring achievement.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Alison Stone (Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: G Hylton, J.Norbury and E. Mann
Governor Safeguarding Lead: J. Doe
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- FOL online safety policy
- Photographic Image Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy- Kite Academy Trust
- Whistleblowing Policy- Surrey