Covid catch up grant - click here

Message from the government

We have asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and for schools to remain open only for those children of workers critical to the COVID-19 response - who absolutely need to attend.

It is important to underline that schools, all childcare settings (including early years settings, childminders and providers of childcare for school-age children), colleges and other educational establishments, remain safe places for children. But the fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.

Schools, and all childcare providers, are therefore being asked to continue to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable, and children whose parents are critical to the COVID-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.

While as many schools as possible should try to stay open for eligible pupils, this will not be possible for all settings and the local authority should coordinate pooling of resources, so pupils are able to access provision elsewhere.


Full Lockdown Remote Learning Offer

 After 24 hours of confirmed covid test or isolation, learning set every day will include:

 - a writing task

 - a phonics/SPAG/reading task

 - a maths task

 - a non-core subject task (geography, history, music art etc.)

There is an expectation that children are reading every day. Children can read books from home and, if we can, we will make books available from school; children can also use online websites to support their reading development which we will direct you to.


In addition to video clips to introduce learning, we will interact and motivate children through:

• recorded stories

• email / comments / feedback / zoom calls

• chat for learning

• assemblies

For families that have identified that they don’t have access or have very limited access to technology in the home to support remote learning we will loan equipment for the duration of the closure. For families that have indicated that they don’t have wi-fi in their home, we will explore how we can help support this.


At Folly Hill Infant School we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. It is important that all staff have appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out. 

• Our safeguarding systems will continue to be used to communicate and log any safeguarding concerns and this will be monitored regularly throughout each day by the DSLs

• Continue good communication and engagement with external professionals and services

• The SENCO team will check in with EHCP families 1 x week and feedback to class teachers

via email, in the event of a longer lockdown

• We will keep in regular contact with Pupil Premium and vulnerable families and

continue to provide high quality support, in the event of a longer lockdown. The interactions

and support that have been provided will be communicated via email

Parents are responsible for:

• Reading and acting upon communications sent out from school

• Informing the school about absence if their child is unwell and unable to complete learning


• Encouraging children to take part in the learning opportunities offered every day and feedback to teachers

• Trying their best to fit Remote Learning in around work commitments

• Liaising with school staff any difficulties or barriers to completing Remote learning

• Pupils wellbeing and understanding

Vulnerable and Critical Workers

During a full lockdown we will invite children into school who we feel are vulnerable. E.g. those

families with an attached social worker. We will follow the government guidance regarding critical

workers and offer support and offer school places as stipulated in the guidance.


Here at Folly Hill we will be sending work for the children to do at home via email. The teacher will be available via email throughout the school day. If you require further information, please contact the school office. We ask that parents keep in contact with the school or the class teacher a minimum of 3 times a week.